These two images were made in one of the warehouses that was located down at the Port of Pensacola back in the 1950′s. That is a fertilizer called ” Chilean Nitrate” that used to be shipped in and out of the Port. There are ten negatives or so in the negative envelope and I have only worked up these two. The two images above look as if they would have been printed on photographic paper… pretty much straight photographic prints. The two below are the same images, but I have also ran them through the Lucis Art Filter in Photoshop that I have talked about earlier in this blog. The details in the shadow parts of the image are brought out and parts of the image that you might overlook are brought to the fore-front.
I like the contrast better in the second set of images, but really do not care for the guy filling the sack on the left side, so I might remove him in the future. The people in the photos add a sense of scale and you can tell how large the warehouse is. I have an image of it empty and I will post it once I have cleaned it up. Thanks for looking … I have been scanning new negatives that I have just recently found over the last few days ( several hundred ) and I will have a lot of new posts in the next few months. As usual, all comments are welcomed and appreciated … thanks again, Frank