This is my father’s fifth grade class photo at PK Younge School on Palafox Street. This is the class photo that I mentioned in an earlier post that has the author, Shelby Foote, in the group, but I do not know which one he is. My father is the third boy standing up on the top row, left side. I do not know who the small child standing next to him and I doubt that she is old enough to be in this class. The only thing that I can think of is that maybe she is the teacher’s child and wanted to be in the photo. Having your photo made was a rarity for this time … I would guess that this is 1926 … that they included her for that reason. I do not know if the Escambia County School Board would even have records going back this far. If anyone has any knowledge of this, please let me know. I would be interested in knowing who the rest of these kids are and who the teacher is . I also have a photo of my father’s class out front of the school in Muscogee Florida and I do have the names of the students in that class. There are some names that are familiar to old time Pensacola families like Vaughn, that some of you might recognize. Thanks for looking and if anyone knows about the school board records from the 1920′s, let me hear from you. Please check back … Frank