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Pensacola in the 1950’s …

The first photo is one of Ginn’s Restaurant  that was on the corner of 12th Avenue and Gonzalez Streets.  You see the old Winn-Dixie Grocery Store to the west and the old Sacred Heart Hospital would be across 12th Avenue to the east just out of the frame of the photo.  This photo is a panorama image made with a Wide-Lux camera that my father owned and was burnt up in the fire, which will be another post very shortly.  Here is the image …

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12th and Gonzalez _ Looking South 9_19_14   SFW

How about that old Cadillac parked out front on 12th Avenue?    The next is just a parade shot from a Fiesta Parade back in 1955 … nothing spectacular about the image ( the Cadillac in this image is carrying the then Governor of Florida – LeRoy Collins )  and I have a better view somewhere in this blog already.  But the reason that I am mentioning that here and now is that I just found movie film that my father shot of the 1953 and 1954 Fiesta Parades.  Not the three inch reels , but full ten inch reels.  And in Color! No sound though.  I know that it can be transferred over to digital, but all of the quotes have been in the hundreds of dollars per reel and I am not that interested in spending the money right now.  However, that does not mean that I won’t in the future … we will have to just wait and see.  Here is the image …

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1955 Fiesta Parade on Palafox

Just imagine all of those horses and riders and cars moving across the screen in COLOR!  For the time, this will have to do … but who knows what the future will bring?  I have posted quite a few images from this vantage point ( ground level ) that my father has taken in the past.  If you type ” LeRoy Collins ” in search field above on the right side, it should pop up … I have not tried it yet, but I am pretty sure it should because I know it is posted somewhere on this blog.

Thanks for taking the time and looking … I have been busy lately and I have neglected this site and my personal photography blog, but I have several ready to post and will get around to posting them shortly … Thanks for all the comments also … Frank

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