As usual, I do not know a thing about any of the girls in these photos. When I started working with my father at the studio, we used to photograph seven or eight ( maybe even more ) of these sorority groups in Pensacola. Most were service oriented and were affiliated with local high schools such as Pensacola High , Escambia and Woodham are the ones that come to my mind as I sit here typing this post. I am sure that there are more and to be perfectly honest with you, even the few that I remember, I do not think that I can spell their names. There was one at Escambia, Sans Perine, that I remember photographing for many years … in fact, I believe that Escambia High School seemed to have the most girl’s clubs. The above photo looks to have been taken at someone’s home outside on the lawn / patio. The other two photos were taken at Pensacola Country Club. I have no clue of the exact date, but these would have to have been made sometimes in the 1950’s. Maybe someone might recognize one of the girls in the photos and will let us know. Here are several more photos …
I have some more photos from this sorority that were taken at this same time that I will work-up and post at a later date. I do not remember when the Pensacola Country Club was laid out like this … the stairs are the same, but an entrance was made in back of where the girls in the front row are standing. If anyone remembers anything about the Entre Nous sorority, please let us hear from you. For those of you out there that do not speak French, Entre Nous means ” between ourselves “. And, no I do not speak French, but I am pretty fluent in ” Google “. Thanks for looking and please check back … Frank